2020 Sucks ... Join us in 1920
The Idea of 100 Years of Harding
From March, 1921 to August, 1923 Warren Gamaliel Harding of Marion, Ohio held the office of President of the United States. Exactly 100 years ago, Harding's was a household name; nowadays, we hear next to nothing about the man. 100 Years of Harding is a passion project which has had its roots in my imagination since my first visit to the Harding Memorial only a mile from the President's former home.
I will be posting on a nonuniform basis starting August, 2020, roughly following the events of the Harding Presidency in the order that they happened. Additionally, I will make note of major events in world history during the early 1920s, and I plan to release the occasional opinion piece relating the Harding years to current events - should the spirit move me.
Mention of outside parties (books, businesses, etc.) comes as a personal recommendation and should not be seen as a lasting endorsement, nor is it a paid promotion of any kind.
I am not responsible for offensive outside comments, but I will try my best to remove any user interactions I deem inappropriate for the situation.
I will be using images that are either a) my own photos, or b) copyright-free images from sources including but not limited to the Library of Congress, Wikimedia Commons, Getty Open Content, or Flickr Commons.