Meet Harding's Cabinet
Warren Gamaliel Harding
Owner and publisher of the Marion Star, former state senator, Lt. Governor of Ohio, and U.S. Senator from Ohio. Seen as a compromise candidate within a party split between Progressives and the "Old Guard."
Calvin Coolidge
Vice President
Former lawyer, state representative, mayor, state senator, President of the Massachusetts Senate, Lt. Governor of Massachusetts, and Governor of Massachusetts. Has gained a reputation as a staunch conservative of few words.
Charles Evans Hughes
Secretary of State
Former legal professor, New York Governor, Supreme Court Justice, and Republican Party nominee for president in 1916. Will continue as Secretary of State under President Coolidge and will go on to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Andrew William Mellon
Secretary of the Treasury
Wealthy Pittsburgh banker, industrialist, Republican Party donor, and politician. A real-life "Monopoly man," Mellon advocates a fiscally conservative agenda for the Harding administration. He will continue as Treasury Secretary under Presidents Coolidge and Hoover.
John Wingate Weeks
Secretary of War
New Hampshire born Navy veteran, banker, U.S. Representative and U.S. Senator from Massachusetts. Will continue as Secretary of War under President Coolidge.
Harry Micajah Daugherty
Attorney General
Major figure in Ohio politics despite having only held office briefly in the Ohio General Assembly. A party insider, Daugherty has sought national higher office before finally finding his man in fellow Ohioan Warren Harding.
William Harrison Hays
Postmaster General (1921-22)
The Republican National Committee chairman during the 1920 election cycle, Will Hays became the manager for the Harding campaign. He will later become highly influential in the emerging Hollywood film industry.
Hubert Work
Postmaster General (1922-23)
Secretary of the Interior (1923)
Pennsylvania-born medical practicioner turned politician. Formerly a Colorado Republican party chairman, an unsuccessful congressional candidate, and a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Medical Corps.
Harry Stewart New
Postmaster General (1923)
Former Indiana state senator, Spanish-American War veteran, Republican National Committee member and chairman, and U.S. Senator. Will continue to serve in the Coolidge administration.
Edwin Denby
Secretary of the Navy
Former member of the Michigan and the U.S. House of Representatives and chairman of the House Committee on Naval Affairs. Enlisted in the Marine Corps during World War I.
Albert Bacon Fall
Secretary of the Interior (1921-23)
Heavily involved in New Mexico politics, serving on the territorial council, becoming an associate justice in the New Mexico Supreme Court, and one of the first senators once New Mexico gained statehood. Was a veteran of the Spanish-American War.
Henry Cantwell Wallace
Secretary of Agriculture
Known for being the president of the Cornbelt Meat Producers Association. Father of future U.S. Vice President Henry A. Wallace. Served briefly under President Coolidge.
Herbert Clark Hoover
Secretary of Commerce
Known for serving in the Wilson administration as director of the U.S. Food Administration. A popular progressive who was eyed by both parties prior to the 1920 election. Will go on to be the 31st President of the United States.
James John Davis
Secretary of Labor
Nicknamed "Puddler Jim" for his past as a puddler's assistant in a steel mill, Davis and his family were immigrants from Wales. Will serve in the same cabinet position under Presidents Coolidge and Hoover.