For those who are unaware, DNA evidence from testing done in 2015 confirmed the longstanding rumor that President Warren G. Harding fathered a child out of wedlock in his affair with secretary Nanna Popham "Nan" Britton. [1] Their controversial relationship during Harding's Senate tenure and Presidency was not accepted by many of even the most respected historians until the 2015 revelations. [2]
Yesterday many news outlets reported that James Blaesing, the son of the President's daughter Elizabeth Ann Blaesing, has called on an Ohio court to allow President Harding's remains to be exhumed to perform further confirmatory tests. While the 2015 DNA analyses have caused Elizabeth Ann and her descendants to be accepted as blood relatives of the President both by Harding researchers and other Harding relatives, Blaesing remains persistent that more attention must be paid to the relationship's historical significance and that further action is necessary to prove to the doubters that the President was his grandfather.
Mr. Blaesing's calls have been met with worry by some who do not wish to damage the nearly hundred-year resting site of Harding, which is surrounded by an ornate temple-like tomb, a circle of grand white marble pillars with a nearby informational plaque. Additionally, the Harding Presidential Center a few blocks away from the tomb (both in Marion, OH, a town close to Columbus and Mansfield) plans to open relatively soon and will supposedly feature an exhibit regarding the Harding-Britton affair. For more details and nuance on the evolving situation, refer to this story in the Guardian.
As this is incredibly recent news, we cannot be sure what is likely to happen next. Should any major developments occur, I will post updates. Personally, I hope to see the descendants of Harding reconcile and help promote his forgotten legacy on a united front with the upcoming Center. Having been to the Harding Tomb on at least three separate occasions, I can certainly say that great care should be taken to preserve the beautiful location if exhumation is allowed. Once the Harding Presidential Center opens, I will be sure to visit and check if they do indeed include educational sections on the intricacies of Harding's sexual connections with Nan Britton and their resulting child.